In this article we’ve assembled some helpful links and text that may be included with the notifications sent to candidates, committee members and deans/chairs through Interfolio (or otherwise).

Candidate Notification

Please consider pasting the information below — or some portion of it — into the “Notify Candidate” message sent from Interfolio. This information is designed to assist candidates in navigating Interfolio.


This direct access link will take you to the UCLA Logon window that will sign you in directly to Interfolio. The article below includes additional information on accessing a case, and walks you through the process of signing in through

How to Access Interfolio for Faculty

Opus for Review Candidates [process map]

Uploading Materials to the Packet/Dossier

How to Upload Case Materials as a Review Candidate

Accessing Case Materials

How to Access Case Materials as a Review Candidate

Where Can I Find The Documents in My Case?

Filling Out a Certification Form

How to Submit a Form in Interfolio

How Does Candidate Certification Work in Interfolio?

Committee Member Notification

Please consider pasting the information below — or some portion of it — into the “Send Forward” message sent from Interfolio. This information is designed to assist committee members in navigating Interfolio.

This direct access link will take you to the UCLA Logon window that will sign you in directly to Interfolio. The article below walks you through the process of signing in directly through

How to Access Case Materials as an Administrator or Review Committee Member

For more information about online review, see these articles:

Opus for Review Committee Members

Opus for Deans and Chairs

Content Notes

When sending committee notifications, we also suggest that you consider the following:

  • Keep the content of the letter relevant and succinct.

  • Consider matters of privacy and avoid including any unnecessary confidential information in either the subject line or body of emails.

  • Similarly, please keep in mind that much of the information associated with academic review may be confidential, and treat it appropriately.

  • Let committee members know that they can download case materials, but that they should do so with the above factors in mind.

Chair or Dean Notification

Please consider pasting the information below — or some portion of it — into the “Send Forward” message sent from Interfolio. This information is designed to assist chairs and deans in viewing faculty data in Opus and navigating case materials in Interfolio.

This direct access link will take you to the UCLA Logon window that will sign you in directly to Interfolio. The article below walks you through the process of signing in directly through

How to Access Case Materials as an Administrator or Review Committee Member

For more information about online review, see this article:

Opus for Deans and Chairs

Notification Templates

We've also made several turn-key templates available for notifications at specific points in the review process. In many cases this text can be copied and used verbatim. See the article linked below for this content.

See Also

Sample Notification Texts