Opus Newsletter #15



Missing Email Notifications

When you send a case forward in Interfolio, if there’s someone on a committee at both the current step and the next step, Interfolio will automatically suppress the email notification that tells them the case has just been sent forward — this occurs even if you enable the “notify committee members” option in the Send Forward dialog. We are working with Interfolio to find a solution so the same person can receive email notifications at consecutive steps in the review process.

If you have a mandatory reviewer at consecutive steps in the process, we suggest you send a separate email to update them when the case moves forward. We understand this is an extra step and appreciate your patience as we work towards a resolution.

For information on the topic of notifications, see our Support article, What Kinds of Notifications Can Opus and Interfolio Send?




Online Cases, In-Person Help

Staff from Academic Personnel and the Opus project hold regular “office hours” to assist Opus users with cases, and to answer questions about Opus and Interfolio. Our next sessions are this Friday and next Wednesday. Please sign up for a timeslot on our Office Hours Google Spreadsheet and remember to bring any relevant case files or materials with you.


Learn Multi-Department Review

This Friday we’re holding our second Zoom with Opus session, Multi-Department Review: How to Collaborate with Other Departments in Opus/Interfolio. If you’d like to use our recommended approach for working with other departments on common cases in Interfolio, register on our our sign-up sheet.

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