This article tells you how to start a single case in Opus. If you would like to know how to start multiple cases simultaneously, see How to Start Multiple Cases With Bulk Reappointment/Renewal.

Video Training Course

Click this image to view How to Start a Case, part 1.

Click this image to view How to Start a Case, part 2.


Appointment Sets

When an academic appointee has multiple appointments at the university, and you might want to start a case for both of them at once. To allow for this, Opus links appointments into a set. Appointment sets typically link a primary appointment with one or more additional appointments, which can be either joint or split. 

Notification Emails

There are a few instances where Opus notifies users via email about changes in a case:

  • When a case is deleted

  • When an appointment is edited

  • When a case is closed

  • When a completed case is saved or re-closed

Whenever any of the above occur, Opus notifies administrators associated with the appointee's academic unit.

Different Types of Case = Different Screens

If you follow along with these steps, but you use a different type of action than we show in the example, you’ll probably notice that some of our screenshots don’t exactly match what you see. This is because contents of the Start a Case modal window (especially the Data Input screen) can vary, depending on what type of action you’re using in your case. 


1. Open the Cases Page

Click "Jump To" and then "Cases" near the top of any Opus page. This takes you to the Cases page with the Active Cases tab displayed.

The Active Cases tab on the Cases page, with the Opus Top Menu and Jump To submenu. Click this image to view a larger version.

2. Click the Start a New Case Button

This button is visible in the above screenshot from Step 1. It has a briefcase icon, and it’s sitting just above the top-left corner of the table: click it and a modal window will open:


The UCLA Search screen of the Start a Case modal window. Click this image to view a larger version.

You'll notice in the screenshot above that the "Start a New Case" button also features a dropdown menu to allow you to start multiple cases (you access this dropdown by clicking the triangle portion on the right edge of this button). While this article deals with starting single cases, you can also use this feature to start multiple cases for certain actions — for a discussion of this feature, please see the article linked near the bottom of this page.

3. Search for an Appointee

If you’re starting a case for a person with an existing appointment, or if you are doing a reappointment, recall, or appointment for an existing person that does not require a search/search waiver, you can search for the appointee on the first screen of the Start a Case modal window, shown above. But if you're starting a case for an action that required a search, search waiver, or exemption, you’ll want to find them through a Recruit search instead. 

UCLA Search

To find someone that’s already with (or has been with) the university, type their name in the “Search for a person at UCLA” field. Use a last name<comma> first name format. After a second or two, the results will automatically display below the search field, and you can click the one you need. If nothing shows up after a few seconds, or if you see the “No Results Found” message, check your search input and/or try typing it again. Once you’ve selected the right person, click the Next button.

Recruit Search

To bring someone new into Opus from Recruit, click the “Search for a person in Recruit” link, visible in the above screenshot below the search field. The modal window will switch to the Recruit Search as shown in the screenshot below, where you’ll need to enter a Recruit tracking number to find your appointee (you can’t search by name from Recruit). Enter this number in the search field and click the “Go” button. If your search is unsuccessful you’ll get a red “Error” message. If that happens, check your search input and try again. Once your search is successful, search results will display in a list below the input field. Check the box next to the result you want and click the "Next" button.

The Recruit Search screen of the Start a Case modal window. Click this image to view a larger version.

Checking for Previous Employment for Recruit Candidates

When searching Recruit, Opus asks if the person you've found was previously employed at UCLA, and if so, requests that you enter their UID. Searching for a previous record at this step prevents a new record from being created for someone who is already in the system. If the person you've found in Recruit has been at the university before, enter their UID and click the "Check UID" button. If not, simply click "Next."

The Previous Employment Check screen (for Recruit Search only) in the Start a Case modal window. Click this image to view a larger version.

4. Select an Action Type

Opus knows what actions are available to each appointee, so after you’ve selected the correct person, the next screen (shown below) has a menu where you’ll choose from a list that only includes the appropriate actions. Choose the action you want and click the Next button.


The Action Selection screen of the Start a Case modal window. Click this image to view a larger version.

5. Select an Existing Appointment if Necessary

The next screen in this modal (one example shown below) is adaptive — it changes in response to the type of action you chose in Step 4. The information it shows relates to appointments that your academic appointee already has. For some actions and/or appointees, this window displays appointment sets alongside single appointments; for others it displays only single appointments; and for actions that don’t involve existing appointments, Opus will skip this screen entirely. In all cases, Opus automatically displays the appropriate options, based on your selections of action and appointee on previous screens.


The Existing Appointment Selection screen of the Start a Case modal window (this example includes Appointment Sets and a Single Appointment — yours may differ). Click this image to view a larger version.

The above screenshot was taken while starting a case for a Merit action, which can be applied to either appointment sets or to single appointments (for more info about appointment sets, see the Background section near the start of this article). If the action you chose in Step 4 can only be applied to single appointments, or if your appointee doesn't have any appointment sets, then this screen will only display single appointments. If the type of action you chose in Step 4 can’t be applied to existing appointments at all, you won’t see this screen — instead Opus will take you immediately to Step 6, shown below.


Note: When starting cases for appointments which have not yet become active (e.g., appointments which would be created by cases that aren't completed yet), users may not be able to select the appointment sets they require. For more information, see the article about initiating an action for a prospective appointment linked near the bottom of this page.


Note: You should always click “View Current Appointment Details”  and confirm that the current appointment information is correct, as shown below. If there is missing or erroneous information, check the Profile page to confirm the missing/erroneous data and send a ticket to Opus Help to correct the issue before you start the case. Opus takes a snapshot of the appointment at the time the case is started. This snapshot will be used to create a history card for the candidate. Once the profile has been updated, resume starting your case. Be smart, look before you start.


The Existing Appointment Selection screen of the Start a Case modal window with the "Appointment Details" section expanded. Click this image to view a larger version.

6. Enter the Data for Your Case

Like the screen in Step 5, this screen is also adaptive. It varies in response to the type of action you're using, with Opus displaying the input fields that relate to your selection from Step 4.

One version of the Data Input screen of the Start a Case modal window. Click this image to view a larger version.

The above screenshot was taken while starting a Joint Appointment. You can see that the form for a Joint Appointment equires a lot of data input. As a counter-example, here’s what the same screen looks like if you start a case for a 4th Year Appraisal action:


Another version of the Data Input screen of the Start a Case modal window. Click this image to view a larger version.

As you can see from the above two screenshots, the Data Input screen can vary substantially. In addition, this screen also dynamically responds as you input data — certain fields will appear/disappear in response to your selections on this screen. Opus always displays the fields you need to fill out, based on your selections and input.

Once you fill out all the required fields, click the “Save” button at the bottom of the modal window. If you make a mistake, Opus will show you which fields need to be entered/corrected after you click the “Save” button at the bottom:

Another version of the Data Input screen of the Start a Case modal window, this time with data validation error messages. Click this image to view a larger version.

When you’ve successfully saved your case, you will see a success message:

The Start a Case Success Message. Click this image to view a larger version.

This “Congratulations” message means you’ve successfully started the case in Opus! Clicking the “Ok” button will take you to the Case Summary page to view the case you just started. Also, when you load the Cases page, its data table will include the case you just started — if you cancel out of the "Congratulations" message, you can access the case summary for the case you just started by reloading the Cases page, and clicking the pencil icon in the row for your case.

7. Accessing Interfolio for the Review Process

For certain types of cases (for actions that require review, which are the majority), after an Opus case has been started, the review process continues in the Interfolio system. To access Interfolio, click the "Review Process" button in the Subpage Menu at the left of the screen. You'll see a screen similar to the one shown below. Incidentally, you can do this for existing cases as well by selecting the case on the Cases page and viewing its Case Summary.

The Review Process tab on the Case Summary page. Click this image to view a larger version.

The first time you click the "Go to Interfolio" button for a given case, you'll need to select a template to use in the corresponding Interfolio case, as seen in the screenshot below. Note that after a template has been initially selected, clicking the "Go to Interfolio" button on this screen will take you directly to Interoflio. 

When you click the "Submit" button, Opus will create a new Interfolio case and associate it with the case you just started, and will open the case in a new browser window.

The Template Selection screen on the Review Process tab of the Case Summary page. Click this image to view a larger version.

The Case Information screen in Interfolio. Click this image to view a larger version.



Note: If your browser has a popup feature enabled, you may need to disable it in order for the "Go to Interfolio" button to function. See the Known Issues article below for more information.

With the completion of this step, you've started case!

Working in Interfolio

Opus and Interfolio are closely integrated, but an explanation of working in Interfolio is beyond the scope of this article. For more information on this topic, see the articles linked below.

See Also

Opus for Administrators

How to Sign into Opus

Cases Page

How to Start Multiple Cases With Bulk Reappointment/Renewal

What Kinds of Notifications Can Opus and Interfolio Send?

Which Department Should Start a Case for a Given Action?

Types of Actions in Opus

Can I Initiate an Action for a Prospective Appointment?

How to Access Interfolio for Administrators

Why Do I Sometimes Get an Error About an Email Address When Trying to Go to Interfolio?

Can I Have Someone Upload My Dossier/Packet to Interfolio for Me?

Known Issues