Each year every department at UCLA should review the 8 Year Clock data for their appointees, and manually update each row as necessary.
Because Opus makes updates to the 8 Year Clock table automatically, and because these updates are done on a full-year basis, users often need to edit this table after the update for appointees who should not have been credited for the full year on the clock (i.e., users need to correct the automatic updates as necessary). The 8 Year Clock page should reflect the accurate number of quarters, semesters, or months credited, as well as the credited service years credited, for each academic year. The accuracy of the Credited Service Units: AY and Credited Service Units: Total and, particularly, the Credited Service Years: Total should be maintained. This manual update should typically take place in early July, just after the clocks are automatically updated on July 1.
Tip: When looking at the Eligibility page, users should keep in mind that it can be filtered to a specific academic year, or to a single individual.
Maintaining Accuracy for Actions Based on the 8 Year Clock and Excellence Clock
To make the updates mentioned above, users should use the pencil icon in each row on either the 8 Year or Excellence Clock page (rows correspond to academic years in the table on these pages) to ensure that:
- The Credited Service Units: AY field has the total credited service units from the row's academic year.
- The Credited Service Units: Total field has the total credited service units from the row's academic year, plus the cumulative total from all the years before (so, this is a running total).
- The Credited Service Years: Total field has the total credited service years from the row's academic year, plus the cumulative total from all the years before (so, this is a running total).
By updating these fields, users maintain the accuracy of Opus' eligibility calcualtions for these actions:
- 4th Year Appraisal
- 8 Year Limit
- Unit 18 Excellence Review
Maintaining Eligibility for Other Actions
Opus also calcualtes eligibility for the below actions, but they are not affected by the values ont he 8 Year Clock page. In general, eligibility for these actions is based on data from the appointee's past actions in combination with information from their profile. For specifics, see the article on eligibility calculation linked near the bottom of this page:
- Merits
- Promotions
- Renewals
- Reappointments
- 5 Year Reviews
- 4 Year Reviews, (only for Sch. of Med.)
- Waiver Renewals
Users who need to adjust eligibility for the above actions should contact Opus Help to open a help ticket.
Eligibility Projection
Opus projects its eligibility calculations 5 years into the future. There is one caveat to this “5 year rule:” When calculating eligibility for 5 Year Review actions, Opus only projects the next 2 years.
Also note that when calculating eligibility for later actions, Opus assumes that actions listed earlier in the eligibility table are run on time and approved.
See Also
How Is Eligibility Calculated and What Can I Do to Fix It?