This page allows Opus users to view current appointments, salary details, Eight Year Clock data and Excellence Clock data for academic appointees within the user's unit. Users can access appointee profiles directly through the Profiles page by searching, or they can access this page by clicking a name on the Appointments page. 

Profiles page with Current Appointments subpage. Click this image to view a larger version.

Page Areas

  • Name (A)

    • This area displays the academic appointee's name.

  • Search Field (B)

    • Users can search for an academic appointee by typing their name or UID into the search field and hitting the Enter (or Return) key or clicking the Search button. 

  • Subpage Menu (C)

    • This area displays the links to the subpages available within the Profiles page. All appointees in Opus have Summary, Current Appointment, and Academic History subpages. An appointee at the Assistant rank will have a subpage for their Eight Year Clock. Similarly, a Unit 18 lecturer who's not at the Continuing Appointment status will have a subpage for their Excellence Clock.

  • Main Area (D)

    • This area displays the content of the Profiles page. Clicking an item in the Subpage Menu loads its content here.

Subpage: Summary

This subpage displays relevant data about the appointee from systems that Opus connects with.  For example, their email address and their UCLA Logon ID or MedNet ID will be displayed.  If either of these fields are blank for a current appointee, the department won't be able to create a dossier/packet in Interfolio for their review case.

Subpage: Active Appointments

This subpage displays details for an academic appointee's active appointment(s), grouped into static tables in the (B) Main Area. See the screenshot above for an example.

Link: Hide/View Details

Below each appointment table is a link to hide or view details. Clicking the "view" link allows the user to view data related to the appointee's salary, such as scale amounts. This also allows the user to view details about the appointment itself, including Start Dates at Rank, Series and Step.

Subpage: Eight Year Clock

This subpage displays a data table with details of the academic appointee's Eight Year Clock ("tenure clock"). Users with the required permissions can edit rows in the table on the Eight Year Clock subpage — for more information about working with the Eight Year Clock, see the article linked near the bottom of this page.

The Eight Year Clock subpage. Click this image to view a larger version.

Subpage: Excellence Clock

This subpage displays a data table with details of the academic appointee's Excellence Review Clock. Users with the required permissions can edit rows in the table on the Excellence Clock subpage — for more information about working with the Excellence Review Clock, see the article linked near the bottom of this page.

The Excellence Clock subpage. Click this image to view a larger version.

See Also

Data Tables: Sorting Data Within a Table

Data Tables: Filtering Data Within a Table

How to Update the 8-Year Clock

How to Update the Excellence Review Clock

What Do I Need to Know About Salary in Opus?

Appointments Page