Possibly. If you’re not on a committee at the next step you’ll lose access when the case moves forward. Or, if you have an admin role, you will lose access when it leaves your unit.

Committee members who have access at a case’s current step in Interfolio will lose this access when the “Send Forward” button moves the case to a step where they do not have access. This applies in Interfolio only — administrators can still see case location in Opus, even when the case has moved to a step where they can’t see it in Interfolio. For more information about monitoring a case’s progress from Opus, see the article, Can I See Where a Case Is At?, linked near the bottom of this page.

If a case is at the Department: Finalize & Submit to Dean's Office step, and the next step is Dean's Office: Audit, the department administrator also loses access to the case when it’s sent forward. This means the DA would not be able to view packet/dossier contents. For this reason, we recommend that before sending a case to a step where the user will lose access, the DA should first download a copy of the packet/dossier for their records.

Individuals will not, of course, lose access when a case is sent forward to a step where they still have access. For example, if a DA clicks the “Send Forward” button when the case is at the Department: Assign Case to Review Committee step, and the next step is Department: Committee Review, the DA will not lose access to the case, because they’re still “on” the next step.

See Also

Do I Have to Click the “Send Forward” Button?

Can I See Where a Case Is At?