Each department at UCLA has to track the progress for each of their academic appointees toward six years of time here. This works similarly to the Eight Year ("tenure") Clock, but applies only to a specific class of represented academic appointees — typically Lecturers. Department administrators (DAs), and in some cases school administrators (SAs), track appointees' service in order to know when to initiate Excellence Review actions for these appointees — for more information about starting cases and working with actions, see the article linked near the bottom of this page.

The Excellence Clock screen in Opus allows DAs and SAs to view the estimated date of Excellence Review actions for people in their unit. In addition to viewing the fields on this screen, the DA or SA should update the information as necessary. Each year they must record:

  • The number of quarters, semesters, or months of service accrued by academic appointees in their unit for that academic year
  • The cumulative number of quarters, semesters, or months of service accrued by academic appointees in their unit, including the current academic year (e.g. 9 quarters)
  • The cumulative number of years of service accrued by academic appointees in their unit, including the current academic year (e.g. 4 years)

There's no rule about whether the Excellence Review Clock should be updated at the beginning of the year (predictively) or at the end of the year, however it should be reconciled at the end of each academic year to facilitate reporting.

This article tells you how to update the Excellence Review Clock in Opus. The instructions assume you’re already logged into Opus and your permissions allow you to access the relevant features. For info about interface elements or a particular Opus page, check out the other articles on this support site — some of these articles are linked near the bottom of this page.

1. Track the Appointee's Progress Outside of Opus

In order to record data for the Excellence Review Clock, you need to know what to record. This will depend on records kept outside of Opus. Once you know what you'll need to record on this screen (most likely the number of quarters/semesters the appointee accrued in the current year), you can enter this data in their profile with the following steps.

2. Open the Profiles Page

Navigate to the Profiles page by clicking Jump To and then Profiles near the top of any Opus page.


The Profiles page with the Opus Top Menu and Jump To submenu. Click this image to view a larger version.

3. Open the Excellence Clock Subpage

This subpage is only available on profiles of appointees who require the Excellence Review Clock. In these cases, the link is on the left-hand side of the page, as shown in the below screenshot. Click it to bring up a screen like this one:

The Excellence Review subpage of the Profiles page. Click this image to view a larger version.

4. Edit the Required Row

Depending on their number of qualifying appointments, some appointees will have more than one table on their Excellence Clock screen, as shown in the above screenshot. Each row in these tables represents one clock (counting down to a review). Click the edit (pencil) icon in the row of the clock you want to edit. This will open a modal window where you can enter the number of service units credited for the appointee:

The Excellence Review Clock modal window. Click this image to view a larger version.

5. Enter the Data and Save

Enter the number of service units credited for the academic year and update the other totals. Click the save button, and you're done!

See Also

Profiles Page

How to Start a Case