For Staff
Staff with academic personnel duties in an academic unit or dean's office can get access to Opus after they've completed the introductory two-hour Opus/Interfolio training session run by AAPO and the academic personnel coordinator in their dean's office has approved their access.
For Faculty
Faculty members--whether as a candidate for a personnel review, committee member, or voting faculty--do not get Opus access. Their access to personnel cases will be in Interfolio, the vendor system where staff upload dossier files for review. The local academic personnel staff will grant access and notify their faculty when there's a case available for their review in Interfolio.
For Chairs and Deans
Department Chairs and Deans can get access to Opus to see their roster of academic appointees, the list of review cases in progress, and the upcoming actions that their academic appointees are eligible for, based on years at rank/step and other factors. Requests for access should go to the academic personnel coordinator in the dean's office.
When a chair or dean needs to review a dossier, the local academic personnel staff will grant access and notify them to review the case in Interfolio.