This article guides AP staff through the steps to create a data summary and bibliography for faculty to review and update.

Article Outline

Navigate to the Faculty Input Workflow

Create the Data Summary Form

Create the Bibliography Form

Notify the Candidate

Candidate Review

Review & Update the Data

Export the Files

Navigate to the Faculty Input Workflow

1) Click on Administration in the side navigation under “Faculty 180”, and then click Administration from the sub menu. 

2) Click on “Initiate Faculty Input Workflow”

You’ll see a table with input requests you’ve created previously.

3) Click “Add”

Create the Data Summary Form

1) Enter the Input Workflow Details

Enter the Title of the input request: Choose a descriptive title - this is what you’ll see when you look at all the requests you’ve created. We recommend that you add the candidate's name, the action, the effective date, and the type of form (Data Summary or Bibliography). For example: Bruin: Data Summary: Merit Review 7/1/22 

By default, the Title becomes the Dashboard Message, which faculty will see when they log in. If you want faculty to see a different message than the title you’ve chosen, update the Dashboard Message. 

In “Faculty Input Opens”,  enter the date you want the faculty member to see your message and begin updating their data. On the date you select, your message will display on their dashboard. 

This is what the faculty member will see


2) Enter the Faculty Input Settings

Under “Available” forms, choose the Data Summary form. This form includes all the sections required on the Data Summary (teaching, grants, professional service, etc.), but will not include scholarly and creative works. We’ll create the form for the bibliography separately.

Enter the Start Term and End Term you wish to collect data for. For example, if the candidate is an Assistant Professor going up for a merit review, you’ll want to enter the appropriate two-year period (e.g. Fall 2019 through Spring 2021). The faculty will only see the activities within the review period you select (e.g. only courses taught from Fall 2019 through Spring 2021 will be displayed in the report).

Under “Vita Template for Preview” choose “Data Summary”. The vita template controls how the data look when you export the file. By choosing the Data Summary template, you’re ensuring the data are output in the format required for academic review.

3) Update the Workflow Steps instructions if desired

Please do not click the Add Step button or change the Step Title or Button Label. UCLA manages the review workflow within Interfolio’s “Review, Promotion, and Tenure module”. 

You can change the instructions that display for the Candidate at the top of the input form if you want.

This is what the faculty member will see when they open the form:

4) Select the Candidate

Click “Select Faculty”

By default the number under “Available” on the right hand side includes all active faculty with a primary appointment in your unit. If you click on the number, all of these faculty will be displayed. 

The easiest way to find your candidate is to enter their last name in the search box and press “enter”. However, Interfolio provides many other options to filter your list of faculty by series, rank, status, etc.

Once you search for your faculty member, select their name and click on the right arrow to move them from “available” to “selected”. Make sure to click “Select Faculty” at the bottom of the table.

You will now see that at the bottom of the form it shows that 1 faculty member is selected

5) Save the form by clicking “Save”.

You’ll see the new request added to your list. The candidate will see your request on your selected start date. If you want to see what the form will look like, emulate the faculty member and click on the form. 

Create the Bibliography Form

Step 1 and steps 3-5 to create the bibliography are the same as the steps to create the Data Summary.

Step 2 is slightly different.

2) Enter the Faculty Input Settings

Under “Available” forms, choose the Scholarly & Creative Works form. This form will include data from ONLY  the Scholarly & Creative Works section. 

Enter the Start Term and End Term you wish to collect data for. For example, if the candidate is an Assistant Professor going up for a merit review, you’ll want to enter the appropriate two-year period (e.g. Fall 2019 through Spring 2021). The faculty will only see the activities within the review period you select (e.g. only publications from Fall 2019 through Spring 2021 will be displayed in the report). In addition to items published within the review period, Faculty 180 will also include all works in a pre-published status (e.g. submitted, in press, etc.)

Under “Vita Template for Preview” choose “Scholarly & Creative Works”. The vita template controls how the data look when you export the file. By choosing the Scholarly & Creative Works template, you’re ensuring the data are output in the format required for academic review.

Follow steps 3-5 under the Data Summary Form section to complete the bibliography form. 

Notify the Candidate

Now that you have created the data summary & bibliography reports, send an email to the candidate letting them know the data are ready for their review. 

While the system will display the alert on their dashboard, you may wish to remind the candidate of any deadlines and provide any additional guidance from the department or school. We have tried to make the in-system instructions as complete as possible, but departmental guidance will be needed to tell the candidate how to categorize certain types of works. 

If you wish to see the data as the candidate will see the data, emulate the faculty member (see our Emulating Faculty article for instructions) and click into the request under their action items.


You’ll see something like the following:

See the “Updating your Data for a Personnel Review” article to view the instructions we provide for the candidate.

Candidate Review

While the candidate is updating their data, they will likely have questions for you. If you are unable to answer any questions we recommend the following process:

If this is the first time the candidate will be using Faculty 180, we recommend setting up an office hour with our AAPO staff. We also recommend sending the candidate the links to our Guides for Faculty.

For questions about how best to categorize or organize works, and questions about the review process, talk to your Dean’s Office.

For questions about how to use the system, schedule an office hour for your candidate or send a ticket to Opus help. 

For questions about imported data including errors, direct the candidate to add a comment in the system that explains the issue, and send a ticket to Opus help. We’ll work with you and our campus data stewards and IT staff to resolve issues.

Once the candidate clicks “Submit for Review”, you will get a notification.

Review & Update the Data

View Pending & Completed Forms. 

Click on Administration in the side navigation under “Faculty 180”, and then click Administration from the sub menu. 

Click on “Approve Faculty Input Workflow”

You’ll see all the pending & completed reviews.

Send a Reminder

If you want to send a reminder email to a candidate who has not completed their review, click the mail icon and compose your message.

Review the Data

When you see that the form has been submitted (% of Faculty who have submitted = 100%), you can export the data summary and bibliography and upload it to the case.

Click the “eye” icon on the row associated with the candidate’s review.

A new page will open showing the unit the candidate is associated with (Interfolio does this just in case you selected more than one faculty member for the report). Click the “eye” icon again. 

To view and make updates to the data, click the “eye” icon under “View and Approve”.

You’ll see the report just as the candidate does and can make any further required updates to the data. Note: you can also make updates directly on the Activities page. Those updates will be reflected here. 

Click “Cancel” at the bottom of the page to return to the approval page.

Export the Files

1) Navigate to the Vitas & Biosketches Section

Emulate the faculty member, then click on Vitas & Biosketches.

2) Select the Appropriate Vita Template

On the Vitas & Biosketches page, choose the Data Summary or Scholarly & Creative Works template by clicking the “eye” icon under view. 

3) Select the Appropriate Date Range

Enter the appropriate date range (choose the range you selected for review), and click “refresh”.

You will see something like the following

4) Export the File

Click “Export” and choose the appropriate format. Interfolio will convert the file to a PDF when you upload it to the case. If you want to make a few final formatting tweaks it’s best to export to a PDF and use Adobe’s Acrobat or another PDF editing tool. 

If you don’t have a PDF editor, export the file to Word, edit and save the file as a PDF. View the PDF before uploading to Interfolio to check the formatting.

Upload the file to the candidate's packet.