The Opus portion of a case (as compared to the Interfolio portion) features data and functionality closely related to the appointment and appointee with which the case is associated. It also features a link to the Interfolio portion of the case (the dossier and associated tools).
The Opus portion of a case is represented by the Case Summary page. Case summaries are typically accessed through the Cases page (in either the Active or Completed Cases tables).
The Case Summary page provides ongoing access to the data of an Opus case once the case has been started. It includes existing appointment data, proposed case data that were entered when the case was started, final case data entered in preparation for the case’s completion (not necessarily the same as what was proposed), recommendations data appearing on a dedicated subpage (this subpage is not visible for all Opus users), and finally, a link to the Interfolio portion of the case (i.e., the “Go to Interfolio” button) on the Review Process subpage.
See Also
What Is a Case?
What Is in the Interfolio Portion of a Case?
How do Profiles, Appointments and Cases Relate?