Action flags allow Opus users to "flag" cases as being of one or more particular types. Adding an action flag to a case alerts the Dean’s Office and APO that the case requires special handling. Action flags can be added when entering data for an Opus case as it's started, or can be added later from the case's Case Summary page. Whenever a case qualifies for one or more of the below action flags, the flag(s) should be added to the case, even if they were not added when the case was initially started.
The available action flags, along with their meanings:
Retention. This action is for a faculty member who’s considering an offer of employment from another institution and may be particularly time-sensitive.
Retroactive. The proposed effective date of the action has already passed.
Chair’s Merit. This merit action is for the chair of a department and will require special routing.
Dean’s Merit. This merit action is for the dean of a school or division and will require special routing.