Be careful when using the "Start Multiple Cases" option for Reappointments. The bulk tool will create, approve, and close reappointments all at once, without seeking review or approval from the Dean's Office.
The Bulk Reappointment tool was created with the School of Medicine in mind. Most Opus appointments in the School of Medicine have an End Date every June 30. The Bulk Reappointment tool allows a department to select all appointees to be reappointed and will immediately create and approve those reappointments. The reappointment actions will then display on the Completed Cases tab and will update the appointments on the Profile page on July 1 (or whichever future date was chosen).
If you have appointments that you'd like to reappoint in bulk and you're not in the School of Medicine, please consult with your dean's office for approval before using the tool. Any reappointment that requires formal review or that involves a Non-Senate Lecturer (Unit 18) should not be done in bulk.
See Also
How to Start Multiple Cases With Bulk Reappointment/Renewal
Can I Start a Case for More Than One Person Simultaneously?