Setting up candidate requirements for an Interfolio case allows an administrator to configure what the candidate sees when they log in and access their case. Interfolio asks the candidate to upload documents in response to each requirement, so by adding and/or deleting requirements the administrator tailors the candidate’s experience to their expected activity. The candidate experience is best when Interfolio asks them for everything they need to upload and nothing more — the steps in this article will show you how to achieve that.
There are three types of requirements that can be added to an Opus/Interfolio case:
Document requirements — allow candidates to upload specific documents
Form requirements — allow candidates to fill out specific forms
Additional uploads to a section — allow candidates to upload their own selection of documents to a section
Many of the templates UCLA has set up in Interfolio feature a mix of the above, and they often need to be adjusted once a case has been created from the template. Document requirements and additional uploads should be added or removed, based on what you anticipate the candidate uploading to the case, while form requirements should be added at the appropriate point in the life of the case.
1. Plan Candidate Uploads
2. Open the Case in Interfolio
3. Open the Edit Case Interface
4. Open Candidate Requirements
5. Check Existing Requirements
6. Remove Document Requirement
7. Remove Form Requirement
8. Disable Additional Uploads
9. Add Document Requirement
10. Add Form Requirement
11. Enable Additional Uploads
1. Plan Candidate Uploads
Outside of Interfolio, make a list of items you anticipate the candidate uploading, and familiarize yourself with the routine for candidate certification in Interfolio (see the article linked near the bottom of this page for information on certification).
2. Open the Case in Interfolio
Instructions for opening a case into Interfolio can be found in the article, How to Access Interfolio for Administrators, linked near the bottom of this page.
The Case Materials tab on the Case page in Interfolio. Click this image to view a larger version.
3. Open the Edit Case Interface
Click the Case Options button and select the “Edit Case” link.
The Case Materials tab on the Case page in Interfolio, with the "Edit Case" link. Click this image to view a larger version.
4. Open Candidate Requirements
Click the “Candidate Requirements” link in the table of contents in the upper-right area of the screen.
The Candidate Requirements page in Interfolio, with the "Candidate Requirements" link. Click this image to view a larger version.
5. Check Existing Requirements
As shown in the screenshot above, you'll see the "Instructions to Candidate" section. Put any instructions you'd like the candidate to read into this section.
The sections shown on the Candidate Requirements page correspond to the sections within the packer/dossier for the case. Document and form requirements appear under these sections, while the additional uploads settings can be found by editing the options for the sections themselves.
Review any document requirements that appear here and note any that need to be added or removed in order to bring this case in line with the list you created in Step 1 above. Review any form requirements as well, and note which forms the candidate will need to fill out now, and which ones should be added later.
The Candidate Requirements page in Interfolio, with a document requirement (CV) and a form requirement (Prior Certification Form #1). Click this image to view a larger version.
Click the pencil icon in the header of each section’s title and review the “Candidates can upload additional documents to this section” checkbox. Note any sections where you would like to enable/disable this setting.
The Candidate Requirements page in Interfolio, with the Edit Section icon (pencil), and the "Candidates can add additional documents to this section" checkbox. Click this image to view a larger version.
6. Remove Document Requirement
For any existing document requirement that you would like to remove, click the edit icon (pencil) in the row for the requirement, then click the "Delete" link that displays. This will remove the requirement from the case, and Interfolio will no longer ask (nor allow) the candidate to upload this document.
The Candidate Requirements page in Interfolio, with the Edit Requirement button (pencil) and the "Delete" link. Click this image to view a larger version.
7. Remove Form Requirement
For any existing form requirement that you would like to remove, click its “X” button to remove it from the case.
The Candidate Requirements page in Interfolio, with the the "X" icon (Delete Form Requirement link). Click this image to view a larger version.
8. Disable Additional Uploads
For any section where the candidate should not upload their own selection of documents, click the pencil icon in the setion's header and uncheck the “Candidates can upload additional documents to this section” checkbox.
The Candidate Requirements page in Interfolio, with the Edit Section icon (pencil), and the "Candidates can add additional documents to this section" checkbox. Click this image to view a larger version.
9. Add Document Requirement
For any documents you'd like Interfolio to ask the candidate to upload, click the “Add Requirement” button in the header of the section where you would like the candidate to upload the document.
The Candidate Requirements page in Interfolio, with the "Add Requirement" button. Click this image to view a larger version.
In the “Document” tab in the modal window that appears, fill in the Name and Description for the document — the description can be used for candidate instructions — and set the “required” and “number” options, then click “Save.” Do this for as many documents in as many sections as necessary.
If you set any document requirements to “required,” (sic) the candidate will not be able to submit the corresponding section of their packet until these document(s) are uploaded.
The Document tab of the Add Requirement modal on the Candidate Requirements page in Interfolio. Click this image to view a larger version.
10. Add Form Requirement
For any form you'd like the candidate to fill out, click the “Add Requirement” button in the header of the section where the form should appear (see the first screenshot in Step 9 above for an example of this button). In nearly all Opus cases, forms should be added only to the “Candidate Responses & Certifications” section.
In the “Form” tab in the modal window that appears, select the desired form from the dropdown menu and click “Save.” Interfolio will now make this form available for the candidate to fill out. If you add more than one form to a section, the candidate will have to fill them all out before submitting this section (i.e. they're all "required").
The Form tab of the Add Requirement modal on the Candidate Requirements page in Interfolio. Click this image to view a larger version.
If you’re adding a form to a section where a form was already previously submitted, you will also need to unlock the section before the candidate can access the new form — otherwise the candidate won't be able to save/submit the form when they log in. This is done in the Case Materials tab on the Case page (the first page you see when opening a case, accessed with the browser's "back" button in our current example). Note that once the section is unlocked, the candidate can update the previous form, but will most likely simply fill out the new one(s) before re-submitting the section.
The Case Materials tab of the Case page in Interfolio, with the section lock icon (shown in its locked state — unlock it when adding new forms). Click this image to view a larger version.
11. Enable Additional Uploads
For any sections where you'd like the candidate to upload their own selection of documents, click the pencil icon in the section header and check the “Candidates can upload additional documents to this section” checkbox.
The Candidate Requirements page in Interfolio, with the Edit Section icon (pencil), and the "Candidates can add additional documents to this section" checkbox. Click this image to view a larger version.
See Also
How Does Candidate Certification Work in Interfolio?
How to Access Interfolio for Administrators