There are a number of reasons why someone might be “missing” from the Roster in Opus.
Separated or Appointment Ended
When an appointee is separated OR after their appointment end date, they will no longer appear on the Roster, Cases, or other Opus reports, and users will no longer be able to access their Profile.
Separated in EDB
An appointee is marked as “inactive” if they are flagged as “separated” in the Employee Database (EDB). When an appointee is separated, Opus ends the appointment and marks all cases in progress as withdrawn.
Ended Appointment, Appointee Not Separated
If an appointment ends but the appointee is not separated, Opus marks the appointment as “inactive” rather than the appointee. In this scenario, the appointee and any cases in progress will become invisible in Opus, however both the appointment and cases will reappear and become active again if the appointee is re-appointed using a Reappointment or Renewal action.
Never in Opus
An appointee may be missing because they were never entered into Opus to begin with. In this scenario, contact Opus Help, who will enter the missing appointment for you.
See Also
What Actions Can I Use to Bring Someone Back into Opus?
What Action Can I Use to End an Appointment in Opus?
How to Contact Opus for Help