Interfolio Data Service

For faculty who use Interfolio’s Faculty 180 module, there’s a new publication import feature (the Interfolio Data Service), that helps you add information about your scholarly activities.  Interfolio Data Service regularly pulls in publication data from several large data sources.  When you log in, you are presented with Matched Records which you can easily validate and add to your account in Faculty 180.  Before going into the Activities section of Interfolio, please review the Matched Activities section.  If there are new publications that IDS has suggested as yours, you can accept them to bring in the publication data and avoid having to enter those data yourself.

Types of scholarship available via the Interfolio Faculty Data Service include:

  • Articles
  • Books
  • Book Chapters
  • Proceedings publications


The Matched Activities panel on your Interfolio dashboard presents you with the number of records the Interfolio Data Service has matched to you and made available for your review (on the left), as well as a count of records already added to your account (on the right).



To review the records that have been matched to you, select “Activities Need Review” in the Matched Activities panel.

The My Records Page

Clicking to review matched records will open the Found tab of the My Records page. My Records is a tabbed interface listing information gathered from Interfolio Data Service.

  • The Accepted tab lists records already added to your account
  • The Need Review tab lists all records found and ready for your review
  • The Deleted tab lists records you have chosen not to add to Faculty Activity Reporting

You can search for specific records or sort by title, type of work, or date published.


If Intefolio cannot identify the type of work, the record comes into the system as Untagged and can be reviewed and assigned a type by the user. Otherwise, you can't change the type of work until you import it. 


Review, Edit, Delete, and Accept Records

Clicking the name of the record in the list opens a panel to the right of the page where you can review and edit details of the record before choosing to accept it into your Faculty Activity Reporting profile.

In the panel that opens, you can review the record to make sure it describes your activity accurately. Any fields that are required must be completed before accepting the record.


From here, you can choose to “Edit & Accept” or “Delete” the record.

Once you have reviewed the record for accuracy, completed all required fields, and save your changes, it will be moved to the completed tab of your matched records, recorded as “Activities Accepted” on the homepage, and will be visible under your Activities tab.  


Deleted Records

If you delete a record, it will be moved to the deleted tab of your matched records.

Updating Activity Classifications

Once you have claimed records, your “My Tasks” section on your dashboard will now have a prompt to “Assign Activity Classifications for Imported Scholarly Works.”  There, you can note whether the activity is new or has changed since your last UCLA personnel review.  There are also the optional flags to indicate if an activity advances diversity, is interdisciplinary, or international in its scope. You will have to complete these fields prior to your next review, and we have found this method to be the easiest way to do it.


Click on the "Assign Activity Classifications" link.


Click "Add".

Then enter the required information.


More information about IDS in general can be found on Interfolio’s site here.  And a reminder: to take advantage of the data gathering already done by Interfolio, look at the proposed matches first before adding any records yourself to your Activities section.