This article explains how AAPO initially populated faculty data, and how ongoing data feeds from source systems and faculty review of their data will keep Faculty 180 accurate.

Article Outline

Campus Feeds

Manual Data Entry


Ongoing data entry

Campus Feeds

Data are populated from campus data sources wherever possible. We’ve pulled data from 2012 through the present day. 2012 was selected as the start date because many data sources did not have high quality data available prior to this point in time.  


Going forward, only new records will be added to Faculty 180.  Subsequent data loads will not affect existing records, so as not to overwrite any change made in Faculty 180.


  • Teaching data are available from Fall 2012. New records are pulled quarterly from the Registrar. Data will be uploaded at the end of each quarter once teaching evaluations are available.

  • Teaching evaluations--specifically, instructor, course, and department averages for courses using evaluation Form A--are available from Spring 2019. New records are pulled quarterly from the Teaching and Learning Center. Data will be uploaded at the end of each quarter once teaching evaluations are available. 

  • Advising data (service on dissertation or master’s thesis committees, along with Postdoc and Visiting Graduate Student Researcher supervision) are  available from Fall 2012. New records are loaded on the first of each month from the Graduate Division. 

  • Senate committee service data are pulled from the Academic Senate database from Fall 2014. New records are loaded on the first of each month.

  • Funded External Grants are available from Fall 2012. New records are loaded on the first of each month from OCGA. Grants that are still in the proposal process are not loaded.

  • Internal Grants are available from Fall 2014. New records are loaded on the first of each month from the Academic Senate.

  • Publications are loaded from the UC Publications Management System if faculty have “claimed” their works in that system. New records are loaded on the first of each month.

Manual Data Entry

Data such as professional activities, departmental committee service, honors and awards, and other teaching activities are not available in campus systems. These data will need to be entered manually. 


Prior to launching Faculty 180 at your school, some data may have been entered on your behalf from a prior CV or Data Summary. Data entry periods vary by school, but in most cases data have been entered from your last major review up through your most recent review. Going forward reviews that look at a candidate’s entire career will require supplemental documents to capture activity prior to the data entry period.


In many cases, AAPO made a best guess when entering data on your behalf. This is most often the case when there are no dates provided for an activity.

Here are a few examples:

If the Data Summary did not list a date for a specific activity, AAPO used Summer 2012 as the start date and “Ongoing” as the end date. 

If there was a single date, AAPO used the same Start term/End term. The single date (or a range of dates less than a term) was added to the description field if available.

    • Example: Chaperone Mediated Viral Propagation, invited lecture. Department of Pathology Grand Rounds, Harbor UCLA Medical Center, Torrance, CA, January 15th 2016.

    • The start term/year was entered as Winter 2016 and the end term/year was entered as Winter 2016. The actual date (January 15, 2016) was included in the description or comments field (whichever is available). 

  • If the CV only included a year, rather than a term, month, or date, AAPO entered the Summer term of the year as the start date and the Spring term of the following year as the end date.

    • Example: Chair, Graduate Student Paper Committee, Sociology of Law section, American Sociological Association, 2015


    • The start term/year would be Summer 2015. The end term/year would be Spring 2016. 


  • If there was a single record with multiple dates (e.g. service on an editorial board over non-consecutive terms), APO entered a single activity and noted the dates or date ranges in the description or comments field.

    • Example: Reviewer, Journal of Pediatric Medicine (2014-2015, 2016-2017) or (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017)

    • The start term/year would be Summer 2014. The end term/year would be Spring 2017.

  • If a sub-heading was used in a section (e.g. Other Teaching Activities or Professional Activities) we used the subheading to indicate the type of activity.


AAPO's data entry team did the initial data entry, but it will need to be reviewed for accuracy. Faculty will still need to review their data and  make corrections and additions, such as providing contextual information that only they are aware of. 

Ongoing Data Entry

Ideally, faculty should update their data periodically between review periods. This ensures less stress and effort when during the next review. AAPO recommends that departments set up an annual validation request for this purpose. 


When faculty are up for review, they will also have an opportunity to add or update their information. Department and Dean’s Office staff also have the ability to update data on behalf of their faculty.

For additional information about each section, see the section descriptions in the system. These descriptions are at the top of each table on the Activities page.

For additional information on each field within the sections, see the Campus Help. Click the help icon at the top of each table on the Profile and Activities pages.

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