Interfolio templates allow users to save the workflow steps through which cases of a particular type should pass.
The Short Version
Here’s how it works: Opus presents administrators with a library of templates for different types of reviews. When starting a case, a user selects one of these templates based on the type of review the case requires. For example, the Without CAP template is for "Dean's Final" actions and the With CAP template is for cases that go to CAP and are "VC Finals." Once the case is created, based on the selected template, the user can alter the workflow if necessary before proceeding.
The Complete Version
When a case is started in Opus, the online review process may also be started in Interfolio. Interfolio provides Opus with two crucial elements of case management: the ability to work with an online dossier (a collection of documents called a “packet” in Interfolio — see the article linked below for important information about these terms), and a workflow engine to guide cases through different steps. While Opus is where users start cases, Interfolio is where users upload documents for a case, form committees, designate case requirements and tasks, assign tasks to committee members, and notify users when their input is needed. Once a case has gone through these steps in Interfolio, users return to Opus to close the case (staff in the Dean's Office or AAPO are the ones who close cases). The activities that take place in Interfolio are directed by a series of steps that are associated with the case. We refer to these steps as the case’s workflow, which is initially set up by choosing a template.
While academic review must meet the guidelines set by UC and UCLA policy, schools and departments often have their own requirements for how reviews are conducted. Templates meet the default requirements, which are set by campus policy, and can be further customized to reflect department-specific processes. Instead of creating the workflow for the review process from scratch every time a case is started, users start with a template before making case-specific adjustments.
To recap, here’s how it works: administrators have a library of templates for different types of reviews. When starting a case, an administrator selects one of these templates based on the type of review that is required (Appointment or Review, Dean or Vice Chancellor final). Once the case is created based on the selected template, the user can alter the workflow if necessary before proceeding.
See Also
Opus Support Site Articles
Interfolio Help Center Articles
Creating and Managing Templates