This page allows users to request a University ID for any candidate whose status in Recruit is "Accepted Offer," and who has a position in a series with teaching responsibilities. Searching for one of these candidates requires the user to know the candidate's job number from Recruit. To request a UID, the user clicks the "Request a UID" button and follows the instructions on the modal window which opens — for more information about this process, see the article How to Request a UID, linked near the end of this page.

The UID Request page. Click this image to view a larger version.

Filtering The Data Table: Search

The data table on this page features a table filter that accepts text input — it's labelled as "Search" in the above screenshot. Inputting text here causes the table to display only records which contain that text in any of their columns. This data table also features a dropdown menu column filter in the Department column, which allows users to view only records from a specific department. For more information about these filters (and more), see the article on table filtering linked below.

Edit Column: Purge UID Button

Each record in the data table on this page features a Purge UID button in the Edit column at the far right of its row. Clicking this button deletes the UID associated with that record.

See Also

Data Tables: Filtering Data Within a Table

About the Opus Interface

How to Request a UID