The Dashboard is the first page a user sees after logging into Opus. It provides an overview of the website by displaying links to other Opus pages along with short descriptions of these pages, and by providing a venue for other Opus-related content.
Because a user's role at the university determines which pages the user can access when they log into Opus, dashboard content is customized for each type of user. Below is an example of the dashboard for School Administrators.
At the top of each dashboard is a welcome greeting. Below this is a list of page titles which link to different pages in Opus. What you see will vary based on your login permissions (i.e., AAPO, School Administrators, Department Administrators). Below the page titles, a brief description of each page is provided. Example: Under Administrative Actions, you can see the page title link "Mandatory UC Training Compliance" followed by its descriptor: "Training certification status for academic appointees."
The Dashboard serves as the Opus "home page." If you need a quick explanation of a particular Opus page, or if you're searching for something, you can always return to the Dashboard by clicking the "Home" link or the logo in the menu along the top of any page on the website.