Lecturers can be difficult to manage because their appointments may change in a variety of ways after the initial approval. This guide discusses several of the most common updates to Lecturer appointments and provides guidance on how to manage them in Opus, Interfolio, and UCPath. 

Your unit may have additional policies and requirements that need to be observed. The examples below are the minimum requirements from APO. 

For Lecturers, all actions in Opus/Interfolio should be closed out by APO. The exception to this is End Appointment actions if the appointee will not serve during a quarter they were previously approved for. 

How to handle pre-six Lecturer appointments over non-consecutive terms 



The examples cover Opus, Interfolio, and UCPath. In Recruit a search is only required for the initial appointment. However, your dean’s office may require searches for reappointments. 







New Lecturer appointed for AY2021-2022 but serving only for the Fall and Spring quarters 

Create an Appointment action end dated December 2021. 


Create a Reappointment action effective April 2022 and end dated June 2022.  


Both cases can be linked to the same Interfolio packet. 


Update the Excellence Clock to reflect that only 2 quarters of credit will be earned. 



Use the “Minimal” template. 


Upload the coversheet noting the appointment for the full term of the contract, explaining that teaching will occur in Fall and Spring. 


Upload the Offer Letter 


Upload the most recent CV 


Cases routed to and closed out by APO. 


Add the new appointment with the correct Fall start date and Spring end date using Smart HR Transaction template. 


Place the appointee on a short work break during Winter quarter and return from short work break starting Spring quarter using PayPath transaction.  


Alternatively, you can end the initial appointment at the Fall and rehire for Spring, but APO recommends using the short work break action. 


Appointees in the Lecturer series should never have zero percent appointments. Do not use a 0% appointment to reflect the fact that the appointee is not teaching for a given quarter. 


When using short work breaks in UCPath, make sure you follow up correctly to end the short work break or it can result in over/under payments. 


A returning Lecturer is reappointed for AY 2021 but serving only for the Fall and Spring Quarters. 

Create a Reappointment action effective Fall 2021 and end dated December 2021 


Create a second Reappointment action effective April 2022 and end dated June 2022.  


Both cases can be linked to the same Interfolio packet. 


Update the Excellence Clock to reflect that only 2 quarters of credit will be earned. 

Use the “Minimal” template. 


Upload the coversheet noting the appointment for the full term of the contract, explaining that teaching will occur in Fall and Spring. 


Upload the Offer Letter 


If your unit uploads additional documentation, continue to follow your existing practice. 


Cases routed to and closed out by APO. 


Extend the appointment to Spring end date using PayPath transaction 

We recommend continuing to use the same Position Number if possible as it allows for easier viewing of the appointee’s history. 


Place the appointee on a short work break during Winter quarter and return from short work break starting Spring quarter using PayPath transaction.  



Alternatively, you can end the initial appointment in the Fall and rehire for Spring, but APO recommends using the short work break action. 


Appointees in the Lecturer series should never have zero percent appointments. Do not use a 0% appointment to reflect the fact that the appointee is not teaching for a given quarter. 


returning Lecturer that only teaches in the Fall. 

Create a Reappointment action effective Fall 2021 and end dated December 2021. 


Update the Excellence Clock to reflect that only 1 quarter of credit will be earned. 

Use the “Minimal” template. 


Upload the coversheet noting the appointment for the full AY and explaining that teaching will occur in Fall and Spring. 


Upload the Offer Letter 


If your unit uploads additional documentation, continue to follow your existing practice. 


Cases routed to and closed out by APO. 

End the appointment each year and rehire the appointee using the same Position Number.  



In Opus/Interfolio, the initial appointment action is only required once. All subsequent reappointments should use the reappointment action. 


Short Work Breaks should only be used for a maximum of one quarterUCOP Academic Personnel & Programs is exploring whether SWB could properly be used for more than one quarter/semester.  


Do not use the short work break for those who only teach one quarter per year. 

A Lecturer who was originally appointed ONLY for Fall quarter will now also be teaching for Winter quarter. 

Create a Reappointment action for Winter quarter. 


Update the Excellence Clock to reflect that 2 quarters of credit will be earned. 

Use the “Minimal” template. 


Upload the coversheet noting the updated end date. 


Upload the Offer Letter 


If your unit uploads additional documentation, continue to follow your existing practice. 


Cases routed to and closed out by APO. 

Extend the appointment through the end of Winter quarter using PayPath transaction.  

As long as service is continuous (including short work breaks)you can extend the appointment in UCPath rather than terminating and rehiring the appointee.  


If there is a gap of more than one quarter, then a new appointment needs to be created (using the same Position if possible). 


Changes in Percentage or Title for Pre-six Lecturers 


Sometimes a Lecturer’s percentage will change for a future teaching termA Reappointment in Opus will only add new Start Dates and End DatesTo change the Percentage, a Change in Percentage action must also be submitted 

Similarly, if a Lecturer is moving from a 1/9 title to a 9/12 title when they are reappointeda Reappointment will not change the title codeA Change in Title must also be submitted. 

A Change in Percentage action or Change in Title action might also be needed on a current appointment or a future appointment that has already been approved 









The appointee is approved to teach for Spring 2022After the approval, the dept. learns they need the appointee to cover additional  courses, increasing their percentage. 

Create a Change in Percent Time action. 

Use the “Minimal” template. 


Upload the coversheet noting the change in percentage from what was originally approved. 


Cases routed to and closed out by APO. 

Update FTE using PayPath transaction 

APO needs to be informed of all percentage changes for Lecturers using Opus/Interfolio. 

The Lecturer is approved to teach ONLY for Fall 2021Prior to the Spring quarter, the department  decides to have the appointee teach additional courses during the spring, increasing their percentage. 

Create a Reappointment action for the Spring quarter. 


Create a Change in Percent Time action. 


Both actions can be tied to the same packet. 

Use the “Minimal” template. 


Upload the coversheet noting the change in percentage from what was originally approved. 


For the reappointment portion of the case, the offer letter and the Academic History card should also be uploaded 


Cases routed to and closed out by APO. 

Update FTE using PayPath transaction starting Spring quarter. 


Ensure the person is taken off the short work break for Spring. 


APO needs to be informed of all percentage changes for Lecturers using Opus/Interfolio. 

A Lecturer originally appointed ONLY for Fall quarter has agreed to teach in Winter and Spring. 

The appointee needs to be moved from their original 1/9 title to a 9/12 title in the middle of the Fall quarter. 

Create a Change in Title action. 


Create a Reappointment action to add the Winter and Spring service to their appointment. 

Use the “Minimal” template. 


Upload the coversheet noting the change in title from what was originally approved. 


Cases routed to and closed out by APO. 

Change to 9/12 title code retroactively effective to 7/1 using PayPath transaction. 

APO needs to be informed of all title changes for Lecturers using Opus/Interfolio. 


The appointee has been approved for Spring 2022, on a 1/9 title codeThe dept wants to reappoint for all three quarters the following year. 

Create a Reappointment action for 2022-23. 


Create a Change in Title action. 


Both actions can be tied to the same packet. 

Use the “Minimal” template. 


Upload the coversheet noting the change in percentage from what was originally approved. 


For the reappointment portion of the case, the offer letter and the Academic History card should also be uploaded 


Cases routed to and closed out by APO. 

Extend the appointment and change the title using PayPath transaction. 

APO needs to be informed of all title changes for Lecturers using Opus/Interfolio. 



Ending Appointments 


Pre-6 Lecturer appointments should always have end dates in both Opus and UCPath. These end dates should be reflective of the current contract with the appointee. 

However, sometimes a Lecturer’s appointment may end earlier than we anticipate. 







The appointee is approved to teach all three quarters in AY2021-2022. However, the appointee is unable to teach Spring quarter. 

Create an End Appointment action in Opus.  


The effective date should match the end date. Enter the date of the appointee’s last date worked. 


Either the dept or dean’s office can close it out in Opus. 

No documentation required. 

Extend the appointment end date and check mark “End Job Automatically” in PayPath or process termination using Smart  HR Transaction template. 


A new Lecturer was approved for a Fall 2021 appointment; however, they have now declined the offer. 

Create an End Appointment action in Opus. 


The effective date and end date will be the date that the new appointment would have started. 


Either the dept or dean’s office can close it out in Opus. 


No documentation required. 


If appointment was not entered; no further action is required. 


If appointment was entered, process involuntary termination using a Smart HR Transaction template. Enter start date as termination effective date and reason code “never started employment.” 



Continuing Lecturers 







The appointee is approved for a continuing appointment, but your unit’s practice is to assign an end date to the continuing appointment and regularly reappoint continuing lecturers. 

Opus does not require an end date for Continuing Lecturers – the default is to have the end date be blank.  


If you would like to add an end date for your own tracking purposes, you can create and close an End Appointment action in Opus with the desired end date 


From that point on you can create and close reappointment actions for the appointee in Opus. 


No documentation required. 

Extend the appointment as needed using PayPath transaction. 



You wish to temporarily augment Continuing Lecturer appointment. 

Create an Appointment action in Opus using one of the Temporary Augmentation title codes. Enter the percentage and expected end date. 

Use the “Minimal” template. 


Upload the coversheet noting the title and change in percentage from what was originally approved. 


Cases routed to and closed out by APO. 


Add a concurrent appointment with the appropriate Temporary Augmentation job code using Smart HR Transaction template.