The Case Summary page in Opus has a tab ("Off-Scale Report") that calculates the percentage off-scale that a candidate's current salary is and compares it to the proposed salary for their current action. For example, a Full Professor, Step 3 might be paid 10% above the Step 3 amount on the Salary table for their title code. If they now have a Merit to advance to Step 4, the Off-Scale Report tab will display their current state (Step 3, with a salary 10% above the amount on the Salary table) and, as comparison, list what's being proposed--Step 4, what the on-scale amount is for Step 4, and what percentage above that amount is being proposed by the department/school.
To see another example, here is a proposed Merit for Prof. Jill Bruin to go from Step 7 to Step 8:
When a Proposed Salary is entered, the Off-Scale Report will compare the Proposed Salary and Proposed Step with the Current Salary amount and Current Step:
The first two rows of the table above have details on the Current Salary (Payroll Salary takes into account any Range Adjustments that have happened since the candidate's last Advancement action) and on-scale amount for the Current Step.
Rows three and four have details on the proposed action.
The final section of the table compares the current state with the proposal.