Opus Newsletter #82 (09/30/2020) - Fall Quarter Kick-Off Edition
Opus 3.2
Opus 3.2 went live on Saturday with some great new features:
The Cases page has a new tab, “Cases at my Office,” to track cases on each Interfolio Review Step within your office.
The dashboard can now display messages for system announcements or notices from APO.
The Eligibility calculation for the Unit 18 Excellence Review will use the Hire Date if the Start Date at Rank is missing. This estimated Excellence Review date displays on both the Eligibility page and each lecturer’s Profile page.
An "End Appointment" action is now available for when an appointee leaves an indefinite appointment or leaves earlier than their approved End Date.
See below for information on our Zoom demo and a video about the Cases at my Office feature.
Start the Quarter with Accurate Opus Data
Make sure your people (and their access) are correct. Run a check on:
The Opus Appointments table. Is anyone missing? Do all your appointees have their UIDs and UCPath EmplIDs listed?
Interfolio Committees (quick view on the Permissions page in Opus, but the updates need to be done in the Users and Groups section of Interfolio).
Voting faculty (committees in Interfolio; quick view in Opus, update in Interfolio).
Opus Actions Need to Link to Interfolio
If an appointee has multiple pending actions that are handled by one dossier--“packet” in Interfolio terminology--all those Opus actions should be linked to the packet. Please review this how-to article if you have rows on your Active Cases table that don’t have a “Go to Interfolio” link:
Please do not make changes to the steps in Interfolio. Having template-defined steps and step names ensures that our automated recusal job works correctly. And the new Cases at My Office feature depends on seeing the template-defined steps.
We have a demonstration and discussion of the new features in Opus 3.2 this Thursday at 1pm. Please join us--RSPV to opushelp@ucla.edu.
For School of Medicine departments, we’ve scheduled a separate session on Friday at 11am. Contact your Academic Affairs office if you haven’t received the invitation.
Opus Training
Our next “Opus/Interfolio 101” class is Thursday, October 15, 10am – noon. This class now has a prerequisite—attendees must complete courses 1 – 3 of the Academic Personnel Certificate Program before attending an Opus/Interfolio training session. The courses are free and available at https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/dash/home?domain=11 (search for “Academic Personnel Certificate”).
Please contact opushelp@ucla.edu to register and get the Zoom logon information.
John Abbott
Opus Newsletter #82 (09/30/2020) - Fall Quarter Kick-Off Edition
Opus 3.2
Opus 3.2 went live on Saturday with some great new features:
See below for information on our Zoom demo and a video about the Cases at my Office feature.
Start the Quarter with Accurate Opus Data
Make sure your people (and their access) are correct. Run a check on:
Opus Actions Need to Link to Interfolio
If an appointee has multiple pending actions that are handled by one dossier--“packet” in Interfolio terminology--all those Opus actions should be linked to the packet. Please review this how-to article if you have rows on your Active Cases table that don’t have a “Go to Interfolio” link:
Interfolio Step Names Need to be Consistent
Please do not make changes to the steps in Interfolio. Having template-defined steps and step names ensures that our automated recusal job works correctly. And the new Cases at My Office feature depends on seeing the template-defined steps.
Make the Most of Opus 3.2
The new feature “Cases at My Office” has a training video available now: https://ucla.box.com/s/wgkqxv9dyih3x6b459o18fgcsis322rx
We have a demonstration and discussion of the new features in Opus 3.2 this Thursday at 1pm. Please join us--RSPV to opushelp@ucla.edu.
For School of Medicine departments, we’ve scheduled a separate session on Friday at 11am. Contact your Academic Affairs office if you haven’t received the invitation.
Opus Training
Our next “Opus/Interfolio 101” class is Thursday, October 15, 10am – noon. This class now has a prerequisite—attendees must complete courses 1 – 3 of the Academic Personnel Certificate Program before attending an Opus/Interfolio training session. The courses are free and available at https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/dash/home?domain=11 (search for “Academic Personnel Certificate”).
Please contact opushelp@ucla.edu to register and get the Zoom logon information.
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