Opus will not be available 9am – 2pm on Sunday, September 13. During this downtime, we will be upgrading Opus to release 3.2 (see below for more details). Interfolio will still be available during the Opus outage.
Opus 3.2
Opus 3.2 will go live this Sunday afternoon. Enhancements you will see:
The Cases screen has a new tab, “Cases at my Office” to track cases by the Interfolio Review Steps within your office.
The dashboard can now display messages for system announcements or notices from APO.
The Eligibility calculation for the Unit 18 Excellence Review will use the Hire Date if the Start Date at Rank is missing.
An "End Appointment" action is now available for when an appointee leaves an indefinite appointment or leaves earlier than their approved End Date.
Opus 3.2 Demo
Please join us this coming Monday, September 14, at 2pm for a demonstration of the new features in Opus 3.2 and a discussion of ways to save time tracking your cases. RSVP to Opus Help to get the Zoom information.
We will do a separate demonstration of Opus 3.2 for School of Medicine departments on Wednesday, September 16 at 4pm. Contact your dean’s office if you haven’t received the invitation.
Opus/Interfolio Training
Our next class is tomorrow—Thursday, September 10, 10am – noon.
Our Opus/Interfolio training class now has a prerequisite—attendees must complete courses 1 – 3 of the Academic Personnel Certificate Program before attending an Opus/Interfolio training session. The courses are free and available anytime at https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/dash/home?domain=11 (search for “Academic Personnel Certificate”).
To register for tomorrow’s class, please contact opushelp@ucla.edu to get the Zoom logon information.
John Abbott
Opus Newsletter #81 (9/09/2020)
Opus Outage this Sunday
Opus will not be available 9am – 2pm on Sunday, September 13. During this downtime, we will be upgrading Opus to release 3.2 (see below for more details). Interfolio will still be available during the Opus outage.
Opus 3.2
Opus 3.2 will go live this Sunday afternoon. Enhancements you will see:
Opus 3.2 Demo
Please join us this coming Monday, September 14, at 2pm for a demonstration of the new features in Opus 3.2 and a discussion of ways to save time tracking your cases. RSVP to Opus Help to get the Zoom information.
We will do a separate demonstration of Opus 3.2 for School of Medicine departments on Wednesday, September 16 at 4pm. Contact your dean’s office if you haven’t received the invitation.
Opus/Interfolio Training
Our next class is tomorrow—Thursday, September 10, 10am – noon.
Our Opus/Interfolio training class now has a prerequisite—attendees must complete courses 1 – 3 of the Academic Personnel Certificate Program before attending an Opus/Interfolio training session. The courses are free and available anytime at https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/dash/home?domain=11 (search for “Academic Personnel Certificate”).
To register for tomorrow’s class, please contact opushelp@ucla.edu to get the Zoom logon information.
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