Outage for Opus 3.0

Opus will be unavailable 9am - noon on Sunday, May 31.    

New features in Opus 3.0 nclude:

  • New tabs on the Profile page--an Inactive Appointments tab displays past appointments and an Appointment Sets tab displays set information for Joint and Split appointments
  • A Permissions page that displays who in your department has Opus and Interfolio access (as administrator or committee member)
  • For the School of Medicine, the APU Id is an available field on the Appointments table
  • Opus can now associate an appointment with its corresponding Position Number in UC PATH.

We will have a Zoom demonstration and discussion about Opus 3.0 this Tuesday at 2pm. We'll go over how you link an Opus appointment to a PATH position and why--what reporting it might help you with today and how it might be useful for future integrations between systems. Please email opushelp@ucla.edu to RSVP for Tuesday (June 2, 2pm) and we'll email you the Zoom details.

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