Opus will be unavailable 9am - noon on Sunday, May 31.
New features in Opus 3.0 nclude:
New tabs on the Profile page--an Inactive Appointments tab displays past appointments and an Appointment Sets tab displays set information for Joint and Split appointments
A Permissions page that displays who in your department has Opus and Interfolio access (as administrator or committee member)
For the School of Medicine, the APU Id is an available field on the Appointments table
Opus can now associate an appointment with its corresponding Position Number in UC PATH.
We will have a Zoom demonstration and discussion about Opus 3.0 this Tuesday at 2pm. We'll go over how you link an Opus appointment to a PATH position and why--what reporting it might help you with today and how it might be useful for future integrations between systems. Please email opushelp@ucla.edu to RSVP for Tuesday (June 2, 2pm) and we'll email you the Zoom details.
John Abbott
Opus will be unavailable 9am - noon on Sunday, May 31.
New features in Opus 3.0 nclude:
We will have a Zoom demonstration and discussion about Opus 3.0 this Tuesday at 2pm. We'll go over how you link an Opus appointment to a PATH position and why--what reporting it might help you with today and how it might be useful for future integrations between systems. Please email opushelp@ucla.edu to RSVP for Tuesday (June 2, 2pm) and we'll email you the Zoom details.