Our support desk has lately received a lot of questions about sharing case materials with candidates. A very close second is the topic of having candidates fill out certification forms in Interfolio. Opus users are wondering:
How do I share documents with my candidates?
How do I make a certification form available for my candidates?
How do I tell if a certification form has been completed?
Where do candidates find the documents I share with them?
The answers to these questions, alongside a wealth of other important information, can be found in these articles on the Opus Support Site:
Have a question about Opus, Interfolio or academic review? Sign up for an in-person Office Hours session at APO! We can look at specific cases and answer any questions you might have, but first you’ll need to claim a time slot on the signup sheet (You must log into Google using your @g.ucla.edu account in order to access this sheet).
Whoa There…
We’d like to remind everyone that there things the Interfolio interface allows you to do... that you should not do. Please do not:
Click the Create Case button in Interfolio (cases are created in Opus)
Interfolio does not allow users to change a template for a case once the case has been created, so it’s vitally important that users choose the correct option when initially clicking the “Go to Interfolio” button. Changing a case, once it’s in progress, to a different template requires manually modifying quite a bit of information about the case, and is very labor-intensive.
Check your committees when you’re about to forward. When you send a case forward, you’ll see the name of the committee you’re sending to. If there’s any doubt about who’s on that committee or who might need to be recused, please refrain from sending forward until you go into the Edit Case section, click the Case Review Steps section, and verify committee membership by clicking on Edit Committee.
Opus Has Your FAQ
Did you know that whenever the Opus support ticket desk receives a question that isn’t addressed in our Opus/Interfolio documentation, we create an article, or update an existing one, to include an ansser to that question? As you may imagine, this means that our documentation is regularly updated, especially the Interfolio FAQ section.
If you haven’t looked at it lately, you may want to give it the once-over… and also, if you find something you think could be better explained, or if you have any suggestions for an article, let us know!
Have a Safe and Happy Winter Break!
Opus would like to thank our users for their continued support and participation all throughout 2017 — here’s to looking forward to a great 2018! ☆☆ (The Opus and Interfolio systems will be available over the Winter Break but Opus Help will not be available).
Jonathan Smith
Topic of the Hour: Certification
Our support desk has lately received a lot of questions about sharing case materials with candidates. A very close second is the topic of having candidates fill out certification forms in Interfolio. Opus users are wondering:
The answers to these questions, alongside a wealth of other important information, can be found in these articles on the Opus Support Site:
Online Review, In-Person Help
Have a question about Opus, Interfolio or academic review? Sign up for an in-person Office Hours session at APO! We can look at specific cases and answer any questions you might have, but first you’ll need to claim a time slot on the signup sheet (You must log into Google using your @g.ucla.edu account in order to access this sheet).
Whoa There…
We’d like to remind everyone that there things the Interfolio interface allows you to do... that you should not do. Please do not:
Check out the Support Site article, What Should I Avoid Doing in Interfolio? for more information.
Measure Twice, Template Once
Interfolio does not allow users to change a template for a case once the case has been created, so it’s vitally important that users choose the correct option when initially clicking the “Go to Interfolio” button. Changing a case, once it’s in progress, to a different template requires manually modifying quite a bit of information about the case, and is very labor-intensive.
See our Support Site articles, What Is a Template in Interfolio and How Does it Work? and What Are the Differences Between Interfolio Templates and Which Should I Use? for more information.
Check Yourself Before You…
Check your committees when you’re about to forward. When you send a case forward, you’ll see the name of the committee you’re sending to. If there’s any doubt about who’s on that committee or who might need to be recused, please refrain from sending forward until you go into the Edit Case section, click the Case Review Steps section, and verify committee membership by clicking on Edit Committee.
Opus Has Your FAQ
Did you know that whenever the Opus support ticket desk receives a question that isn’t addressed in our Opus/Interfolio documentation, we create an article, or update an existing one, to include an ansser to that question? As you may imagine, this means that our documentation is regularly updated, especially the Interfolio FAQ section.
If you haven’t looked at it lately, you may want to give it the once-over… and also, if you find something you think could be better explained, or if you have any suggestions for an article, let us know!
Have a Safe and Happy Winter Break!
Opus would like to thank our users for their continued support and participation all throughout 2017 — here’s to looking forward to a great 2018! ☆☆ (The Opus and Interfolio systems will be available over the Winter Break but Opus Help will not be available).