Have a question about Opus, Interfolio or academic review? Sign up for an in-person Office Hours session at APO! We can look at specific cases and answer any questions you might have, but first you’ll need to claim a time slot on the signup sheet (You must log into Google using your @g.ucla.edu account in order to access this sheet).
Hands Off the Steps
We would like to ask that you our users refrain from adding or re-naming any of the Case Review Steps in Interfolio. One reason for this is because Interfolio bases case access on the current step, so any changes could compromise that security — another reason is that UCLA generates reports based on step names, so any new names would make that reporting less useful. While you’re free to add or remove committees within that step as needed, we would appreciate it if the steps themselves were left alone.
The (Notorious) Section Lock
After a candidate submits a Prior Certification Form, Interfolio locks the Candidate Responses and Certifications section of their packet/dossier. This prevents sections from being modified after they’ve been submitted, however it means that when an admin adds a new form (e.g., Prior Cert #2), they must remember to unlock this section so the candidate can access it again. If the section remains locked, the candidate will only be able to see the contents, not fill them out. Remember: adding a new form = you need to unlock the section. Check out our Support Site article, How Does Candidate Certification Work in Interfolio? for more information.
What’s In a Name?
WWhenever you upload a document to Interfolio, you’ll want to make sure the name you give the document allows reviewers to easily identify it later. We’ve put together this list of suggestions to help keep uploaded letters organized:
For the original, unredacted letters of evaluation, the file names should include...
Whether it's an internal or external letter
Which list the letter writer came from (suggested by candidate, chair, or both)
Name of letter writer
Name of candidate
Date the letter was received
So, if the Chair asks Prof. Tommy Trojan at USC to submit a letter for UCLA Prof. Josephine Bruin and it arrives today, the filename would be: External_Chair_Trojan_Bruin_20170926
If Prof. Bruin and the Chair both suggest Prof. Peter Anteater at UC Irvine, the filename would be: External_Both_Anteater_Bruin_20170926
The redacted copies that you share with the candidate can be External1, External2, etc.
Jonathan Smith
Online Review, In-Person Help
Have a question about Opus, Interfolio or academic review? Sign up for an in-person Office Hours session at APO! We can look at specific cases and answer any questions you might have, but first you’ll need to claim a time slot on the signup sheet (You must log into Google using your @g.ucla.edu account in order to access this sheet).
RemindersHands Off the Steps
We would like to ask that you our users refrain from adding or re-naming any of the Case Review Steps in Interfolio. One reason for this is because Interfolio bases case access on the current step, so any changes could compromise that security — another reason is that UCLA generates reports based on step names, so any new names would make that reporting less useful. While you’re free to add or remove committees within that step as needed, we would appreciate it if the steps themselves were left alone.
After a candidate submits a Prior Certification Form, Interfolio locks the Candidate Responses and Certifications section of their packet/dossier. This prevents sections from being modified after they’ve been submitted, however it means that when an admin adds a new form (e.g., Prior Cert #2), they must remember to unlock this section so the candidate can access it again. If the section remains locked, the candidate will only be able to see the contents, not fill them out. Remember: adding a new form = you need to unlock the section. Check out our Support Site article, How Does Candidate Certification Work in Interfolio? for more information.
What’s In a Name?WWhenever you upload a document to Interfolio, you’ll want to make sure the name you give the document allows reviewers to easily identify it later. We’ve put together this list of suggestions to help keep uploaded letters organized:
For the original, unredacted letters of evaluation, the file names should include...
So, if the Chair asks Prof. Tommy Trojan at USC to submit a letter for UCLA Prof. Josephine Bruin and it arrives today, the filename would be:
If Prof. Bruin and the Chair both suggest Prof. Peter Anteater at UC Irvine, the filename would be:
The redacted copies that you share with the candidate can be External1, External2, etc.
Check out our Support Site article on this topic for more info: How Should I Name the Files I Upload to the Dossier/Packet?